Mastering Klaviyo Welcome Emails: Tips for Converting Browsers into Buyers

Welcome Email Examples
Oct 5, 2024
12 Min Read 🕦
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What Are The Top 6 Klaviyo Email Flows Every Business Must Have?

Klaviyo Email Design

Custom creative email designs, templates, and more!

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"You'll never get a second chance to make an excellent first impression." — Will Rogers

‍While conventional wisdom dictates that you should give prospects about 30 days to make purchasing decisions, the reality is that your first few interactions have the most significant impact. They can make or break your outreach.

In fact, according to Alexa Engelhart, the vice president of client strategy at Power Digital Marketing, "most people make a purchase within 10 days of subscribing to a mailing list." In other words, if you can dazzle your new leads with the first few welcome emails, you'll have more chances of squeezing them down the sales funnel and smiling to the bank.


What is a Welcome Email Flow?

A welcome email flow is a series of automated emails designed to connect with new subscribers or customers right after they sign up. It’s your chance to make a memorable first impression and say, “We’re glad you’re here!” The flow usually starts with a warm introduction to your brand, giving recipients a sneak peek into what you offer and what they can expect moving forward.

The welcome email flow not only sets the tone for future interactions but also provides valuable information, such as helpful tips, product highlights, or a special discount to encourage their first purchase. Think of it as a digital handshake— a thoughtful and engaging way to kick off a relationship with your audience and lay the foundation for ongoing communication. By nurturing this connection, you can increase engagement and build loyalty over time.



How Many Emails Should You Have in a Welcome Series?

When it comes to your welcome flow, four to five emails is a solid starting point— but let’s be honest, it really depends on your brand. Got loads of great content? Bring it on! If you can deliver value, don’t be shy— toss in some of your greatest hits from past campaigns too. The secret sauce? There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a killer welcome series. It’s all about what clicks with your audience, and you’ll figure that out by testing and, of course, asking them what they want (spoiler: they’ll tell you!).

Here are some emails I like to add into a Klaviyo welcome series:

Email 1: Special Offer

Spark action with a tempting offer they can’t refuse.

What It Does:
You’ve just snagged a new subscriber, now it’s time to show them some love with a killer offer. Whether it's a discount, freebie, or exclusive perk, this Klaviyo welcome email sets the stage for your relationship.

Key Features:

  • A welcome message that feels personal and inviting.
  • A clear offer— something like 10% off, free shipping, or a limited-time deal that compels them to act.
  • Subtle brand introduction, briefly touching on your values and what makes your product different.

Example: The Naked Life design below features an engaging initial welcome email that prominently displays a discount code above the fold, complemented by awards and product highlights. The overall design is clean, vibrant, and perfectly aligned with the brand's identity.

Naked Life email design example
[Source: Naked Life on Email Love]


Email 2: Brand Story/Education

Build a bond by sharing your story.

What It Does:
Here’s where you tell them what makes your brand tick— let your customers in on the backstory and values. This email isn’t just about what you sell, but why you sell it.

Key Features:

  • Why you started your brand and the problem you aim to solve.
  • A focus on brand values (sustainability, community, innovation) that resonate with your target audience.
  • Depending on the brand you could include how to use your product, links to blog posts, how-to guides, or product education to build trust.
  • Keep the story authentic and relatable— people connect more to stories than sales pitches.

Example: The Flaus design below offers a fresh look into the brand, celebrating their Shark Tank success, introducing the founder, and walking you through how to use the product. It’s all wrapped up in a visually creative and engaging design that grabs your attention.

Flaus email design example
[Source: Flaus on Email Love]


Email 3: Social Proof

Leverage social proof to back your products with some crowd love.

What It Does: This email serves as a not-so-subtle brag about all the people who already love your products. Highlighting reviews, testimonials, and real customer stories reinforces credibility— and FOMO (fear of missing out).

Key Features:

  • Customer testimonials from real users to highlight authenticity.
  • Star ratings or accolades from third-party platforms (e.g., TrustPilot, Google Reviews).
  • User-generated content or photos from your community.
  • Links to your social media pages to encourage engagement and trust-building.
  • If you have any noteworthy brand features (press mentions, awards), mention them to further boost credibility.

Example: The Outer email below showcases real 5-star customer reviews paired with inviting lifestyle imagery, giving you a genuine sense of how the product fits into everyday life. It also encourages you to experience it firsthand with a clear call-to-action, making it easy to see why so many customers love it.

Outer email design example
[Source: Outer on Really Good Emails]


Email 4: Best Sellers

Showcase your heavy hitters— your best-selling products.

What It Does:
Here, you’re giving your new subscribers a peek at what’s already flying off the shelves. It’s like walking them straight to the "must-haves" section.

Key Features:

  • A lineup of your best sellers, presented like they’re the stars of the show: “These aren’t just products— they’re customer faves for a reason.”
  • A focus on unique product features that make these items stand out.
  • Opportunities to highlight related bundles, cross-sell, or upsell products.
  • Make it feel personal: “You’ve got great taste, so we think you’ll love these.”

Example: The Everlane design below features a clean, minimalist layout that puts the spotlight on their bestsellers, each paired with compelling social proof. The simplicity of the design keeps the focus on the products, while the customer feedback builds trust and encourages you to explore them further.

Everlane email design example
[Source: Everlane on Really Good Emails]


Email 5: Reminder Email

Nudge them with a reminder about that sweet deal they might’ve forgotten about.

What It Does:
This email gives your new subscribers a push to take action— maybe they got busy and forgot about that offer from email #1. Here’s where you remind them.

Key Features:

  • A gentle reminder of their original discount or offer.
  • A reiteration of key product benefits to help them re-consider purchasing.
  • Add some urgency: “This deal’s aging like fine wine— aka, it’s running out.”

Example: The Cometeer email is a straightforward yet effective discount reminder, with a section that reinforces the company’s unique selling points. The clean layout keeps the message clear and to the point, while the reminder of what makes Cometeer stand out helps reinforce customer confidence and adds value to the discount offer.

Cometeer email design example
[Source: Cometeer on Email Love]


Email 6: Personal Note + Upgraded Discount

Seal the deal with a personal touch and an even better offer.

What It Does:
Close out your welcome flow by showing them some love with an upgraded discount. It’s the final push— complete with a message that feels just for them. By framing the email as a personal note from the founder or a high-level team member, you create an intimate, trust-building connection that may sway them toward purchasing.

Key Features:

  • A personal message that feels one-on-one, showing appreciation for their interest.
  • An upgraded discount as a final push (e.g., 15% off instead of 10%).
  • Reiterate your brand’s mission and what you stand for.
  • Mention how their support helps the brand grow or enables you to continue doing what you do.

Example: The plain-text email below, though not part of a formal welcome series, demonstrates the power of simplicity by delivering a personal message directly from the founder. This approach adds a genuine, human touch to the communication, making the customer feel valued. It includes an offer to assist with their purchase, while also extending a discount, reinforcing a sense of care and attentiveness.

[Source: Rejoiner]


The Essential Role of Snazzy Email Designs

Now that we've covered the basics of welcome emails, let's delve into the core of the matter— email design.

While organizations often spend thousands of dollars and countless hours ensuring they have perfect welcome email content, most pay little attention to email design. This shouldn't be the case because the design is just as crucial as the content.

Crafting compelling email copies, subject lines, and pre-headers is inarguably essential. That I can't deny. However, the content should be completed by an equally thoughtful design to deliver the best results. As the content conveys the intended information, the design catches the readers' attention and allows them to navigate your email easily. And most importantly, a good, responsive design ensures that readers can access your email content from whichever gadget.



Best Practices for Designing Effective Klaviyo Welcome Emails

According to Lisa Livingston, Klaviyo's principal customer success manager, "Well-designed emails will enhance every other part of your strategy."

Below are five tips to help you achieve this when designing your welcome series:


1. Brand Consistency

Using your brand’s colors, fonts, and imagery in your emails is super important for keeping everything consistent with your overall branding. When subscribers see familiar colors and styles, it makes it easy for them to recognize your brand, whether they’re checking their inbox or browsing your website.

Plus, when you use visuals that match your brand’s vibe, it helps convey the right feelings and messages. Consistency isn’t just about looking good; it also builds trust with your audience. When subscribers feel that sense of familiarity, they’re more likely to engage with your content and stick around.

Brand consistency email example
[Source: Graza on Really Good Emails]


2. Accessibility Is Key

Your messages should be easily accessible by most of your prospects, regardless of their devices. The target is to meet recipients where they are, not to have them straining to read your content.

Klaviyo has a detailed guide on accessibility best practices. Here's a summarized checklist for quick reference:

  • Is your pre-header and subject line brief and adequately descriptive?
  • Have you used descriptive language in your links?
  • Do all your images have alt texts?
  • Have you separated your ideas using paragraphs and headers?
  • Have you used contrasting colors to add visual interest to your email design?
  • Does your design have a logical flow?
  • Can the recipients access all the vital information if they can't view the attached image?
[Source: Email Love]


3. Visual Appeal

Incorporating high-quality images and graphics is crucial for creating visually appealing emails that grab subscribers' attention. Choose images that align with your brand identity, showcasing your products clearly and effectively. Lifestyle shots can be particularly powerful, as they help subscribers envision how your offerings fit into their lives.

Use graphics, such as icons or infographics, to complement your text and enhance the email's visual flow. Ensure all visuals are optimized for fast loading and are responsive across devices, providing a seamless experience for subscribers. Ultimately, strong visuals not only attract attention but also improve engagement and conversions.

Visually Appealing Email Examples
[Source: Really Good Emails]


4. Keep Your CTA Clear and Concise

The clamor for your target audience's attention is crazy. Studies show that the average person receives about 121 emails per day. Most of these emails are from organizations like yours, some with similar products or services.

With this stiff competition, you must ensure that your value proposition is outstanding and the CTA is clear and strategic. Direct commands make your CTAs sound more confident and authoritative.

In the initial welcome emails, you can lead with low-commitment CTAs that don't aim to derive direct sales. For instance, "Click here to learn more" might not result in immediate purchases, but it'll definitely pique the recipient's interest in your products.

As a general rule of thumb, your CTA should align with the offer in the welcome email's subject line or pre-header to reinforce your message. Make it visually prominent by placing one CTA above the fold (or a scroll/swipe down) and another towards the end of the body to maintain engagement. Avoid adding too many CTAs, as this can overwhelm or confuse the recipient; simplicity and focus are key to guiding them toward the desired action.

[Source: Email Love]


5. Optimize Your Designs for Mobile

It's no secret that most email recipients open them from their mobile devices. According to a recent Forbes publication, 41% of email opens come from mobile gadgets, closely followed by desktops at 39%. Therefore, as you design your welcome emails, ensure they're responsive for multichannel access.

Fortunately, you don't have to manually adjust your designs to make them mobile-friendly. All you have to do is enable mobile optimization, and the platform will automatically adjust the email's appearance for mobile users. The platform also allows you to hide specific blocks for mobile or desktop users.

If you’re primarily designing image-only emails, it’s essential to ensure that when viewed on mobile, your images, copy, and CTAs are easily legible. Clear visibility on smaller screens is crucial for maintaining engagement and driving action from your subscribers.

Responsive Email Design Example
[Source: Peloton on Email Love]


How to Design Welcome Emails with Klaviyo

With over 146,000 active customers, Klaviyo is one of the most popular email marketing platforms. One of its most significant selling points is how it simplifies the management of email campaigns. Whether you're a beginner or a marketing pro, you can set up your Klaviyo account to create, manage, and automate the welcome series in just a few easy steps.

The base template is the foundational format that all your subsequent welcome emails will follow. To create it:

1. Set Your Base Style

‍Open the Klaviyo platform go to your template and select Styles (beside Content). Next, set your preferred background color, font sizes, spacing, padding, and currency. Before closing this tab, turn mobile optimization on to enable seamless access for recipients opening your emails via mobile devices.

Klaviyo Styles Template Example

‍2. Add the Header Section

‍This section typically contains your organization's logo and key links. With Klaviyo, you can customize it to include additional details like special offers for the recipients. Most templates come with pre-designed header bars, but you can also drag and drop header blogs designed externally.

Klaviyo Header Template Example

3. Build the Body Section

‍Go to the Layout section under the Content sidebar and select a Section block. Drag and drop it below the header block, and then add the standard layouts, images, tables, split blocks, and brand messages you plan to use repeatedly. If you don't have the content yet, just add blocks as placeholders to build the base template.

Klaviyo Section Template Example


4. Customize the Footer Section

‍All Klaviyo templates require businesses to include unsubscribe links and a physical postal address in every email to comply with the CAN-SPAM Act. Typically, this information is found in the footer section of your emails. Instead of starting from scratch, you can easily customize the default footer provided in each Klaviyo template to ensure your emails meet these legal requirements. If you prefer, you can also create and personalize a new text block to suit your brand's style.

Klaviyo Footer Example

‍5. Preview the Template

‍Navigate to the top right corner and click Preview and test. Klaviyo allows you to toggle between mobile and desktop to ensure you've optimized the template for both. You can also send the template to your inbox for previewing before saving it.

Klaviyo Preview Mode Example



Steps to Create a Welcome Flow in Klaviyo

Creating a welcome flow in Klaviyo is essential for engaging new subscribers and making a positive first impression. This automated series of emails allows you to introduce your brand, share valuable information, and encourage customer loyalty right from the start.

Follow these steps to set up an effective welcome flow:


Step 1: Create a New Flow

  1. Click on Flows in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select Create Flow to start a new workflow.
Klaviyo new flow example


Step 2: Choose Your Trigger

Choose the trigger for your flow. For a welcome series, set the trigger to your customer list where new subscribers will be added. This can be from a popup or an embedded form on your website.

If you don't want customers to receive more emails if they already purchased, make sure you add a Profile Filter to Placed Order zero timessince starting this flow

Klaviyo choose trigger example


Step 3: Add Your Email Templates to the Welcome Flow

Now's the time to start putting it all together:

  1. Click on Flows in the left sidebar menu.
  2. Select the flow you want to create— in this case, it's the Welcome Flow.
  3. Drag and drop the Email action into the flow if it's not there already.
  4. Select the email template you wish to use or create a new one.
Klaviyo change template example


Step 4: Set Time Delays

Add time delays between emails in your welcome series to space out the messages. This ensures your subscribers receive a consistent flow of communication without feeling overwhelmed.

Klaviyo time delay example


Step 5: Activate and Test Your Flow

Once you’re happy with your flow, activate it to automatically start sending your welcome emails to new subscribers. Be sure to verify that the flow is triggering correctly so that the right customers receive their emails promptly upon signing up.

Klaviyo activate flow example


Step 6: Monitor and Optimize

After launching your welcome flow, monitor its performance through Klaviyo’s analytics. Look at metrics like open rates, click rates, and conversions to make adjustments and optimize your emails for better engagement.

Klaviyo analytics example


Be Flexible & Open to Learn

Klaviyo is a nifty platform that can help you streamline your email campaigns. However, for the best results, you must know your way around it. More importantly, you must be open to learning, unlearning, and trying out different templates and strategies before you find out what works for you.

There's no surefire approach or design that will guarantee optimum results. The best way to master this platform is to keep trying and remain open-minded.

So, if you've got ideas, keep testing and tweaking them because, just like dating, email marketing can be full of surprises. Who knows? That small tweak you're thinking of might just be the difference between “I'll think about it” and “Take my money!”

Looking for a Klaviyo Design Expert?

Ready to take your Klaviyo game up a notch and show off some serious design skills? Look no further — I've got you covered.

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